Why Democrats Are Losing Nonwhite Voters
Liberals should be wary of assuming voters of color have no home in the Republican Party. In fact, on many significant topics – faith, family, law and order – the Republicans may even speak the language of voters of color better than Democrats.

Why Biden’s Airstrikes on Iran Militias Matter
In late February, U.S. warplanes struck targets in the Albu Kamal region of Syria, a zone on the country’s eastern border that is heavily used by Iranian-backed Shiite militias. The airstrikes weren't as insignificant as critics say.

Israel to Biden: Tehran Can Wait
The U.S. and Iran are set on a course for renegotiating the 2015 nuclear deal. While reporting, I found that Israelis see a lot of room to maneuver, particularly in light of Arab countries’ normalization with Israel.

People-Driven Policy in the Middle East
A Middle East ruled illegitimately by the criminally violent will always produce security threats to Americans, especially if the U.S. government is seen in the region as consorting with the enemy.

America, Through the Looking Glass
“Have you guessed the riddle yet?” the Mad Hatter asked Alice. The MAGA crowd knew the answer to their riddle. They proceeded to “primary the hell” out of the Capitol. America was shocked. They had stepped through the looking glass.

Between Insurrection and Revolution
Years later, after leaving the country and then returning as a journalist, I would ask fellow Syrians what they understood themselves to be. “What is Syria? Who is Syria?” I asked anyone who listened. “What does it mean to be a citizen of Syria?”

America’s Preexisting Conditions
Consider first the systematic, crippling insecurity that too many Americans suffer for lack of basic resources. The pandemic has accentuated this insecurity.