
The Trojan Horse Podcast Affair
Responses to a recent podcast series, The Trojan Horse Affair, vary from lackluster to defensive and show that the U.K. is failing to address its problems with Islamophobia — the very issues the podcast explores.

Bosnia’s Question
With tensions within Bosnia escalating rapidly – encouraged by some European leaders – many have begun to wonder, how many times will the centuries-old “Eastern Question” reappear in today’s Europe?

A Saudi Interfaith Cultural Center Is Leaving Vienna — But For All the Wrong Reasons
"And that’s the amazing thing: that most critics, especially in Austria, haven’t even bothered to go to the website to see what it does,” Rosen told New Lines. In spite of his aforementioned hesitance about becoming involved with KAICIID, he believes the project has been worthwhile.

The Tangled Politics of America’s Woke Liberals and Muslim Millennials
For decades, the American left has pushed faith to the margins of political life, even as the right has embraced it as part of the culture wars. But post-9/11 culture wars and foreign wars are creating alliances among liberals that are bringing it back to the center.