Latest from Layla Maghribi

Liberation in Syria Is a Victory Worth Embracing
For some Arab skeptics, the idea that people from these lands could free themselves from despotism seems so implausible it’s dismissed outright — like prisoners hesitating to walk out of an open cell door. Perhaps, as Arabs, we’ve grown so accustomed to tragedy and humiliation that the concept of victory feels like pure fantasy.

Gaza Is the Arabs’ 9/11
As I witness a potential genocide being committed in Gaza with the backing of Western governments, I ask myself whether I am going to be able to stay friends with people who stay silent over a war that I have come to see as fundamentally against me and my kind.

Hope Is Scarce in Syria’s ‘Postwar’ Reality
The bombings and shelling may have abated, but today’s “postwar” Syria is awash with psychological weapons and injuries. People cannot fathom their present, let alone see any future. Without active clashes to blame, what “after” is there to hope and pray for?