
South Africa

South Africa’s ‘Born Frees’ Are Disillusioned With Democracy

Born Free, Let Down

South Africa heads to the polls on May 29, in the most crucial election since 1994. Young people raised after apartheid — the “born frees” — are grappling with unfulfilled promises in a country still racked by inequality and poor governance. They may hold the decisive votes.

South Africa-US Relations at a Crossroads

South Africa-US Relations at a Crossroads

Listen to and follow The LedeApple Podcasts | Spotify | Podbean The recent decision by South Africa, a longtime ally of Palestine, to take Israel to the International Court of…

Africa Insights: Toxic Masculinity Online in Kenya and South Africa

Africa Insights: Toxic Masculinity Online in Kenya and South Africa

In Kenya and South Africa, toxic masculinity is a growing concern, particularly online. The promotion of misogyny is increasingly threatening women’s freedom of speech and their personal safety.

Africa Insights: South Africa Grapples With Xenophobia at Home and Contests Genocide Abroad

Africa Insights: South Africa Grapples With Xenophobia at Home and Contests Genocide Abroad

South Africa’s recent genocide lawsuit against Israel has sparked global attention. Yet despite overcoming racism, South Africa faces internal challenges including violence against Black foreign nationals. For over three decades, recurring xenophobic attacks driven by blaming migrants for economic struggles have led to looting and tragic loss of life.

A Verdict in South Africa Reveals an Unfinished Reckoning With Apartheid

A Verdict in South Africa Reveals an Unfinished Reckoning With Apartheid

The recent inquest into the death of Abdullah Haron, killed by South Africa's security police in 1969, was about more than closure for his family. Haron’s and other cases looked the African National Congress straight in the eye and asked whether it had delivered on the promises made in the 1990s.

Africa Insights: South Africa’s Striking Divide 

Africa Insights: South Africa’s Striking Divide 

South Africa is Africa’s most vocal country when it comes to the Israel- Palestine conflict. Historically the ruling ANC government resonates with the plight of the Palestinians, likening it to the apartheid era. But not all South Africans concur with the government's decision.

Nelson Mandela’s African National Congress Has Violated Everything He Stood For

Nelson Mandela’s African National Congress Has Violated Everything He Stood For

It is now 33 years since the anti-apartheid icon and African National Congress leader Nelson Mandela was freed after 27 years in prison. The ANC, which is currently South Africa's ruling party, has failed to deliver on his vision: Once hailed as a liberator, it has become shrouded in corruption scandals and incompetence.