

Brazil’s Referendum on Authoritarianism

Democracy on the Ballot in Brazil

The Brazilian political arena is defined today by long-established divisions and a much more assertive extreme-right with emboldened militaristic and antidemocratic leanings.

As the Tunisian Leader Tightens His Rule, Some Worry When Democracy Will Return

The Arab Spring ‘Success’ Flirts With Failure

As the summer draws to a close and with urgent economic deadlines on the horizon, how long will mass support for the president continue? What are the political implications of Saied’s latest decree? And does that decree signal a return to despotism or is Tunisia’s democratic transition on pause?

Requiem for a Revolution

Requiem for a Revolution

Algeria's 2019 revolution reinvigorated the Arab world. But a year and a half later, it has fallen prey to the same failures of the region's other movements for change. An essay detailing the rise and fall of the Hirak protest movement.