

Jordan’s Abortion Conundrum

Women’s Impossible Choices

While accessing abortion has become easier in Jordan despite its illegality, many barriers remain and public advocacy for reproductive rights is still unacceptable. Women face hard choices between financial insecurity and a loss of independence on the one hand and dangerous procedures and strong social stigma on the other.

How an American Film in 1984 Shaped the ‘Fetal Personhood’ Movement

Window to the Womb

In the 1980s, the notion that fetuses and embryos should be considered legal persons was just that: a notion. But in 2024, “fetal personhood” has become a reality for nearly one-third of American women of reproductive age living in some 19 states where abortion is unavailable or severely restricted — in no small part thanks to a film that came out four decades ago.

The Montana Gubernatorial Hopeful Speaking Out for Gun Owners and Abortion Rights

The Montana Gubernatorial Hopeful Speaking Out for Gun Owners and Abortion Rights

In Montana, an ex-Republican who worked in the firearms industry is running for governor as a Democrat, criticizing the National Rifle Association, championing abortion rights and seeking to tap into the state’s libertarian, egalitarian culture.

Abortion in Jewish Law Is Nuanced, Controversial and Never Forbidden

Abortion in Jewish Law Is Nuanced, Controversial and Never Forbidden

The Florida synagogue’s argument that its religious freedom is compromised by an abortion ban is not a spurious action by an abortion-rights lobby within the congregation. It reflects a Jewish view that, while an abortion may be fraught with controversy, it is not an option to be denied.

The American War on Women

The American War on Women

When men feel superior to women, empowered by culture and the law, or the lack thereof, violence and bloodshed follow. By the time you finish reading this piece — and every 11 minutes thereafter — a woman will have been killed by someone she knew, even trusted.