Spyros Tsoutsoumpis
Spyros Tsoutsoumpis is a teaching associate in the School of Social Sciences at the University of Manchester, the recipient of a Harry Frank Guggenheim Distinguished Scholar Award and a future visiting research fellow at the Stanley S. Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies at Princeton University. He is the author of over 20 academic articles and books, including “A History of the Greek Resistance in the Second World War: The People’s Armies” (2016).
Latest from Spyros Tsoutsoumpis

Unveiling the Ugly Underside of Post-Ottoman Nation-Building
The formation of states in the post-Ottoman Balkans owed much to individuals who had thrived in a world of rural lawlessness, warfare and violence. They brought the characteristics of frontier societies to bear on the political culture of these new countries, with lasting effects.