Latest from Lysandra Ohrstrom

Reflections on Coming of Age in Israel’s ‘Company Town’
Growing up in New York City, there were no two sides of the story. It was a company town back then, and the company was Israel, though this didn’t become obvious to me until I raised my hand in “Nationalism and Terrorism” class one day and challenged my teacher to account for the different historical treatment we were giving the Palestinian cause and the independence movement in Northern Ireland.

The Uncomfortable Embrace of a Return Visit to Lebanon
Despite rising inequality and three years of economic collapse, Lebanon still holds a singular allure amid the chaos. Returning is like a warm but slightly uncomfortable hug from a favorite relative you didn’t know you missed — smelly, cozy, warm and slightly suffocating unless you give in to the embrace.

Among the Settlers in the Holy Land
As I was furiously taking notes, one of the attendees of a tour in city of Hebron whispered at me, “You’re one of those leftists working for an NGO. You’re here to collect evidence of all the terrible things we do.”