Lea Saad
Lea Saad is a freelance journalist based in Beirut.
Latest from Lea Saad

Beirut’s Pigeon Fanciers: a Mix of Thugs and Theorists
Pigeon fancying has always made sense in densely populated Beirut. On rooftops, enthusiasts can unleash their passion in the greatest public space available — the sky.

Artisanship Withers on the Vine in Lebanon
Traditional handicrafts have thrived across Lebanon since time immemorial. Nobody knows when Phoenicians began making blown-glass vases around Saida and Tyre. For centuries, master weavers have tended their looms in Baalbek; woodworkers have fashioned intricate tawleh boards in Beirut and Tripoli; and cutlery-makers have whittled ornate camel-bone handles in Jezzine.