Charles McFarlane

Charles McFarlane

Charles McFarlane is a fashion historian and researcher, focusing on the intersection of military uniforms and popular fashion.

Latest from Charles McFarlane

Israeli Uniforms, Hamas Tracksuits and a War of Symbols

Israeli Uniforms, Hamas Tracksuits and a War of Symbols

Clothing is a language, but it can be hard to decipher the many mixed-up symbols that can appear to be at odds with each other. This is all the more reason to attempt to make sense of what combatants wear and understand what exactly they are trying to communicate.

Charles McFarlane
Americans Pay Large Sums for War Booty Left by Russia, Helping Ukraine in the Process

Americans Pay Large Sums for War Booty Left by Russia, Helping Ukraine in the Process

Trading in war “relics” from past conflicts is a relatively normal, if eccentric, pastime of collectors. But helmets, bags, clothing and shrapnel-pocked pieces of vehicles being taken off battlefields and brought into the marketplace in near-real time is a new occurrence, facilitated by e-commerce, social media and Ukraine’s relatively stable connection to the global supply chain.

Charles McFarlane