William Gourlay

William Gourlay

William Gourlay is an Australian writer and researcher with a focus on Turkey and its environs. He is the author of “The Kurds in Erdogan’s Turkey.”

Latest from William Gourlay

Remembering Sergei Parajanov, the Bard of the Caucasus

Remembering Sergei Parajanov, the Bard of the Caucasus

The revered Armenian cinema auteur Sergei Parajanov both embodied and sought to capture on celluloid the ethnic and cultural diversity of the Caucasus, inspired by the myths and folklore that bind the region together. Yet the world he cherished is now marked by closed borders, nationalist rancor and polarization.

William Gourlay
The 1873 World’s Fair and Turkey’s European Aspirations

The 1873 World’s Fair and Turkey’s European Aspirations

At the 1873 World’s Fair, the Ottomans presented themselves as a European power, governing an empire whose diverse peoples were united by a single cohesive identity. Yet while the fair’s Ottoman exhibits made an impression, Ottoman identity foundered, and Istanbul continued to be seen as peripheral to European diplomacy.

William Gourlay