James A.S. Sunderland

James A.S. Sunderland

James A.S. Sunderland is a doctoral candidate at the University of Oxford, where his work focuses on the final years of the British Mandate in Palestine.

Latest from James A.S. Sunderland

The Postwar Revival of British Fascism

The Postwar Revival of British Fascism

In 1946, years of war against the Axis powers had affected every man, woman and child in the U.K. Yet violence from Zionist paramilitary groups in Mandatory Palestine provided the opening for a campaign of antisemitism and a brief revival of Britain's own fascist movement.

James A.S. Sunderland
How Broadway Helped the Zionist Revolt Against Britain

How Broadway Helped the Zionist Revolt Against Britain

In the 1940s, the Irgun and the League for a Free Palestine, with the support of leading cultural figures in the U.S., led an impressive public relations campaign that had Broadway theater at its heart, fundraising for a violent Zionist revolt against British rule.

James A.S. Sunderland