

Caste Is Having a Cultural and Political Moment Globally. It Has Not Always Been So

Narratives of Caste

While caste has recently infiltrated American discourse and become more mainstream in Indian media, Dalit writers and activists have been flooding the Indian literary markets with memoirs, short fiction and poetry since the late 1960s.

How Democrats Lost Minority Voters

A Coalition Unravels

The results of the presidential election reflect a painful reality for the Democrats, as working-class immigrant and minority voters continue to shift toward the Republicans. Absent a shift in its cultural politics, the party could be heading into an electoral death spiral.

Indian Americans Could Prove Critical in a Tight Election

Indian Americans Could Prove Critical in a Tight Election

The recent rise to prominence of several Indian-American Republicans has raised questions about whether Kamala Harris can rely on what may be crucial votes from South Asian communities. Yet neither polling data or voting behavior suggest that this blue stronghold is yet at risk of crumbling.

How Democrats Can Win Back the White Working Class

How Democrats Can Win Back the White Working Class

For at least a generation, the American left has largely abandoned issues of class to focus on race. What if that’s the wrong strategy?

The Lasting Legacy of Bayard Rustin

The Lasting Legacy of Bayard Rustin

From the 1956 bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama, until Martin Luther King’s assassination 12 years later, Bayard Rustin was a central — and controversial — figure in the civil rights movement, always pushing the movement in general, and King in particular, to take stances as bold and transformative as possible.