
Capitol riots

The Neuroscience of ‘Devoted Actors’ Within Extremist Groups

‘Devoted Actors’ Within Extremist Groups

People join violent groups for a variety of reasons, and they differ in their levels of commitment. Brain scans offer new insights into a particular type of members, the backbone of these groups we call “devoted actors.”

America, Through the Looking Glass

America, Through the Looking Glass

“Have you guessed the riddle yet?” the Mad Hatter asked Alice. The MAGA crowd knew the answer to their riddle. They proceeded to “primary the hell” out of the Capitol. America was shocked. They had stepped through the looking glass.

Little Man, What Now?

Little Man, What Now?

Can anyone now deny that the core of MAGA is a molten cauldron of cultural and psychological pathologies characteristic of middle-class dilettantes and people with at least enough money to have way too much time on their hands?