Lauren Wolfe

Lauren Wolfe

Lauren Wolfe is an award-winning journalist who publishes Chills newsletter and teaches at NYU’s graduate school of journalism.

Latest from Lauren Wolfe

Algerians Are Ho-Hum About Upcoming Election

Algerians Are Ho-Hum About Upcoming Election

But now, as Algeria approaches its Sept. 7 presidential election, a widespread indifference permeates the nation’s politics. The outcome seems predetermined, with incumbent President Abdelmadjid Tebboune heavily favored to win. This widespread apathy contrasts sharply with the turbulence surrounding the 2019 presidential election.

Afghan Allies Pay for Chance at US Asylum, but It’s Easier for Ukrainians

Afghan Allies Pay for Chance at US Asylum, but It’s Easier for Ukrainians

The differences between the Ukraine and Afghanistan immigration policies are stark, and the reason seems insidious. While Ukrainians are being allowed into the United States with few restrictions, Afghans have to pay bank-breaking fees of $575 each, just to receive no response, for years.

Lauren Wolfe,
Sami Vanderlip