
Letter from Kabul

The Afghan War May Not Be Over

The Afghan War May Not Be Over

“Letter from Kabul” is a newsletter in which our contributors provide their own unique glimpses into life on the ground in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan.To read them first, sign up to our…

Why the Taliban View Education as a Weapon

The Taliban and Girls’ Schools

"Letter from Kabul” is a newsletter in which our contributors provide their own unique glimpses into life on the ground in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan.To read them first, sign up to our…

The Failure of Nonviolence in Afghanistan

The Failure of Nonviolence in Afghanistan

“Letter from Kabul” is a newsletter in which our contributors provide their own unique glimpses into life on the ground in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan.To read them first, sign up to our newsletter. Shortly after the Taliban took control of Kabul and reestablished their Islamic Emirate, I found myself talking to the…

The Shame of Afghan Sanctions

The Shame of Afghan Sanctions

While the aim of the U.S. and its allies may be to put pressure on the Taliban, I am not a Talib. Nor are the people who rely on me to feed their families and pay their bills. When Joe Biden agreed to allocate half of the $7 billion America holds in Afghan state assets to the relatives of 9/11 victims last month, he overlooked something important: There were no Afghans on those planes.

The Different Meanings of Taliban Rule

The Different Meanings of Taliban Rule

The Taliban’s victory has come to mean different things to different people here. For some Afghans, it has brought peace and freedom. For others, it has led to starvation and fear.

Afghan Women: On the Margins Again

Afghan Women: On the Margins Again

Afghan women are strong, bright and resourceful, and even in the toughest situations we are able to take comfort from the beauty God bestows upon us. In Khas Kunar the Taliban could not stop me from hearing the flow of the local river, swollen by recent heavy rain. Nor could they tarnish the taste of the local cornbread and yogurt. But in all corners of Afghanistan it is getting harder for women in particular to hold on to any hope.

Hope and Despair in the Taliban’s Heartlands

Hope and Despair in the Taliban’s Heartlands

This “Letter from Kabul” is part of a new offering by New Lines. Our contributors provide their own unique glimpses into life on the ground in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. Today’s segment takes us on a journey along the highway connecting Kabul to Taliban’s heartland in the south of the country. To…